Term 4 Week 8 2024
From the Principal
Dear Families,
The Art of Service
The art of serving others is a deeply fulfilling and meaningful practice that touches both the giver and the receiver. It is more than just an act of charity or kindness; it is a way of being that enriches lives, fosters connections, and contributes to the greater good. This week our Year 6 students lived out the art of service by serving at the CWL Christmas Luncheon. This is a long standing tradition at St Francis and a wonderful way for our students to give back to our Parish community. The students did themselves, their families and our school proud at this event. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Through service, we can all become better versions of ourselves and create a more compassionate and just world.
This morning we gathered as a school community for our end of year Thanksgiving Mass. This was a very joyous occasion as we came together to celebrate all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon us this year. Congratulations to Maria for the wonderful organisation of her first whole school Mass.
To Our Volunteers
To all of our volunteers on behalf of the entire school community, I want to extend our deepest gratitude for your time, energy, and unwavering support throughout 2024. Your dedication and hard work make such a difference, and we are truly fortunate to have you as part of our team. Whether you’ve helped in the classroom, assisted at events, or supported our programs in any number of ways, your contributions have not gone unnoticed. You have touched the lives of our students and staff, creating an environment where learning and growth thrive.
Thank you for your generosity, your spirit of service, and your commitment to making our school a better place. We couldn’t do it without you!
2025 Staffing
Our 2025 staffing is just about finalised and I look forward to making announcements next week about who our classroom teachers for 2025 will be.
End of Year
As we approach the end of the year, we understand that everyone is feeling the strain of the end of year and is getting tired. I’d like to take this opportunity to remind families that if you have any concerns regarding your child, the first step should be to reach out to the classroom teacher. In line with our Parent Code of Conduct, please remember that it is not appropriate to address concerns with teachers about your child or others through social media or by contacting other parents directly. We appreciate your cooperation in fostering a respectful and constructive school community. Please take a moment to refresh yourself with the Parent Code of Conduct.
Have a wonderful week
Take care and God Bless
Religious Life of the School
Dear families,
WOW - what a busy week we have had: Youth Mass, CWL Luncheon and Thanksgiving Mass.
Firstly well done 5A for your Assembly on Monday. We certainly learned a lot about natural disasters and how we can be prepared.
Youth Mass
A big thank you to all the families who joined us for our Youth Mass this past weekend. Your presence and participation made the celebration truly special. A special thanks to our readers, whose help made the liturgy meaningful and engaging for everyone. We appreciate your dedication and service to our faith community.
CWL Luncheon
It was truly heartwarming to see the generosity and support from Year 6 parents at the CWL Christmas Luncheon on Wednesday. Many parents not only donated food but also lent a helping hand in the kitchen, ensuring everything ran smoothly. This level of community involvement doesn’t just make specific events like this a success, but it also strengthens the sense of unity and collaboration within our school.
The positive impact on our Year 6 students was evident as they actively participated in serving and engaging with the ladies.
The morning was filled with joy, and the ladies thoroughly enjoyed both the delicious food and the delightful company of our students. The entertainment, with the Prep classes singing festive Christmas songs, was absolutely adorable and added a lovely touch to the day.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to making the event such a success. Your time, effort, and spirit of giving are deeply appreciated. I’m already looking forward to next year’s event.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Next Tuesday, November 26th, we will have a casual day with a donation to our St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Please ensure that all donated items are non perishable and not damaged.
Thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting this cause.
Save The Date
26th November - Casual Day - Christmas Hamper item
2nd December, Year 6 Graduation, 6pm
4th December, Awards Morning, 9am
6th December, Final Farewell Liturgy, 11am
Dear Lord,
As we begin this season of Advent, we open our hearts to the hope and joy that comes with the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to prepare ourselves with love and gratitude, remembering the light of Christ that shines in the world.
Bless our school community, our families, and all those in need. Guide us in our journey of faith, and fill us with peace as we await the coming of our Savior.
We pray that this Advent season brings us closer to You, and to one another.
God bless and have a wonderful week,
Guidance Counsellor
A SPECIAL REPORT: Starting Year 7
When a child starts high school, they suddenly become one of the youngest and newest kids at school all over again - a small fish in a big pond! The transition between Year 6 and Year 7 is one of the biggest jumps in a child's life and is a very important milestone. This can easily become a daunting time for students and parents alike.
Starting Year 7 poses many new challenges, but also exciting opportunities. It comes with a number of mixed feelings. Some students may be feeling a little anxious about their expectations of starting Year 7 and finding their place in the “big pond”. As your child grasps new skills and engages in new study practices, it is important for parents to be supportive, but also realistic in their expectations. Parents and students can easily become overwhelmed during this time of transition but, there are a number of strategies that can be implemented to start things off on the right foot!
Here is the link to your special report:
Class in the Spotlight - Specialist
The Arts
Term 4 is a busy time of the year during The Arts, as students prepare for the end-of-year Christmas play and concert. Students have also been revising concepts covered throughout the year and are enjoying some hands-on activities, such as Line Rider. Students listen to various pieces of music and will draw what they hear and discuss the dynamics and speed of the music.
Students have completed assessments and are enjoying researching and discussing Italian Christmas traditions. They are creating slideshows, masks and Christmas songs to celebrate the birth of Jesus. All classes are exploring the legend of La Befana and creating artwork of the good witch.
Lost Property
Please contact the school office if any of these items belong to your family