Term 2 Week 7 2022
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the past week, many members of our St Francis family have been unwell with a variety of illnesses. When our teachers are away we always try our best to maintain the same relief teacher in a room, however, at times this is impossible as relief staff are often booked at other schools. I would like to thank families for their understanding over the past week. I know our teachers are all pleased to be back with their classes this week.
We are currently taking Prep enrollments for 2023. If you have a child beginning school next year or know someone whose child is due to begin Prep, please get your enrollment forms in ASAP. Don’t forget about our Prep Open Days on the 10th and 16th of June. Parents and students of 2023 Prep students are invited to join us on either day to get a taste of what a day in the life of Prep is like. Please RSVP to the Office so we know you are coming.
We are currently collecting bread bags for the Wonderwhite Recycling Program and our recycling boxes for this program arrived on Friday. We are also collecting plastic bread tags for Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs. Not only is this a great way to help save the environment but it also helps those in need as the tags are recycled locally, raising funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people mainly in South Africa. You can drop your bread bags and bag tags into the Office.
As we are coming into the cooler months a reminder about our uniform policy. For the girls, a plain navy blue or maroon jumper may be worn and on colder days, students may wear navy blue tights. For the boys, a plain navy blue or maroon jumper may be worn and on colder days, students may wear navy blue tracksuit pants.
We have had several students arriving at school quite early in the morning. Students should not be arriving before 8:10am as this is when a teacher goes on before school duty. This is a safety issue and I thank you for your assistance in keeping our students safe.
If you haven’t yet registered for the Parent Engagement Day in Townsville this Saturday it’s not too late. Please follow this link to register your attendance.
School Satisfaction and Feedback Surveys
Townsville Catholic Education is working with all schools within the Diocese to improve the educational experience provided to our students. As a way to gain this feedback, all staff and families within our school communities will be sent a survey to shape the future directions of our schools.
Your responses are very important in this process as we continue to strive to provide the best educational, social, spiritual and emotional resources and environment for our children.
The surveys were distributed via email on Friday 20 May and we ask that they are completed by Friday 10 June. If you have children and/or work at more than one Catholic school, you will receive a survey for each school.
I would like to thank you in advance for providing feedback and assisting us to improve our school.
I will be away at Principal Meetings from Wednesday this week and return to school next Tuesday. On Wednesday Mary and I will be attending a joint Principal and APRE day so please contact Rita Cranitch if you have any questions. Mary will return on Thursday for any concerns.
Have a wonderful week
Take care and God Bless
Religious Life of the School
Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. The readings (John 7: 37-39) tell of the coming of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had promised. The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to spread the message of Jesus. He also gave them seven gifts; joy, love patience, kindness, understanding, reverence (respect) courage. We receive the Holy Spirit in a special way at Baptism and it is then renewed in us at Confirmation. The Bishop lays his hands upon each child and says, ‘Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.’ The gifts of the Holy Spirit can help us follow the right path in our daily lives and fill us with God’s goodness.
Each class participates in Christian Meditation. Christian Meditation is our quiet time of being still in the presence of God. The closing prayer for meditation asks for guidance to live out the fruits of the Holy Spirit so we can live as shining lights in our communities.
Lord, may you guide me through my day.
I pray that you can help me to live out
The fruits of the Holy Spirit:
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
Goodness, trustfulness,
Gentleness and self-control.
May your light shine through me
And those around me.
We make this prayer
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

National Reconciliation Week: National Reconciliation Week runs from 27th May, Sorry Day, till 3rd June Mabo Day. It is a time when we can learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and think about how we all can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme this year is ‘Be Brave, Make Change’! The collection of bold, brave characters on the official poster, brought to life by contemporary Torres Strait Islander illustrator, Tori-Jay Mordey shows some of the different faces of Australians working for a just and equal society. They are a visual reminder that reconciliation is everybody’s business. All classes have the task this week of writing an acknowledgement of country for use in assemblies and celebrations.

Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat: On Monday, June 6th, we celebrate the Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat. After his ordination, on July 22, 1816, Marcellin saw that not enough was being done to help the poor and illiterate in society so he founded the Marist Brothers, a religious congregation of brothers in the Catholic Church devoted to Mary and dedicated to education. His quote "To raise children properly, we should love them and love them equally" became the cornerstone of Marist education. The Marist Brothers arrived in the Burdekin in 1953 and started teaching their classes of boys Yrs. 4-7 at St Francis in the old Infant Building, as their building was not ready. They became a significant presence in our two schools and in our Parish community.
God Bless
9 am at Sacred Heart Church - All are Welcome!!
Week 8 Thursday, June 9th Yr 3 & 4
5:30 pm at Sacred Heart Church
Week 10 Sunday June 19th
Aiming for Excellence
Ready Set Write!
Until the end of term children will be writing for ten minutes in response to a stimulus. Teachers will be observing as they are writing to identify the writing skills children have mastered and the skills that will need to be revised or developed further.

Will Your child be included?
Students with disability as defined under the DDA and the Standards are in mainstream or regular schools as well as special schools and specialist support classes and include:
- students who have disability formally diagnosed by a health or allied health practitioner
- students who may not have a formal disability diagnosis but have impairment that requires an adjustment or can be supported through quality differentiated teaching
- students with intellectual, physical, sensory and social/emotional disability as well as students with difficulties in learning or behaviour due to disability
- students who are gifted and talented and who are impacted by disability.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding NCCD, please contact me via email. (rcranitch@sfatsv.catholic.edu.au) for an appointment or a telephone call.
Rita Cranitch
Leaning and Teaching Adviser
Inclusive practices Teacher
From the Guidance Counsellor

In this edition of SchoolTV - DIET & NUTRITION
We all know that diet and nutrition is vital to your child’s development and growth, but are you aware of the effects it has on your child’s brain development and how it can impact their academic achievement?
In this era of convenience, it is easy to reach for pre-packaged and processed foods to cope with busy schedules. However, these foods are usually packed full of sugar and salt which can have adverse health effects. Making a habit of reading food labels can help reduce the risks. It can also help to stabilise your child’s energy, improve their mood, maintain a healthy weight and improve their general wellbeing.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will discover practical advice for teaching your kids about the benefits of incorporating a healthy diet and good nutrition.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school guidance counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Diet & Nutrition edition of SchoolTV
Students of the Week

Lost Property

Please call in to the school office to collect if this beauty belongs to your family.

St Francis students who were selected in the Burdekin Under 12 Schools’ Netball Team and competed at the Northern Netball Trials in Townsville on the 8th-9th May. Ellie Mitchell made it in to Possibles and Probables.