Term 1 Week 5 2022
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Wow what hot weather we have been experiencing over the past week. Due to the extreme temperatures we have had hot weather play during break times and kept students in classrooms in the air conditioning in an effort to help keep students and teachers healthy and safe. We will continue this while the extreme weather continues. Hopefully this weather breaks soon and we go back to normal temperatures and procedures.
On Saturday members of our School Board gathered with the Boards from St Colman’s and Burdekin Catholic High for our annual Board Formation Day. We were very privileged to hear from Bishop Tim and Prof Br David Hall on the topic of Our Church….Our Future Full of Hope. Bishop Tim called us to work together to continue the mission of the Church at a local level and challenged us to go out and do something with our faith. Prof Br David Hall reminded us that God had a dream for the world and it is through listening (which happens over time and via prayer) that we are invited to say yes and help fulfill God’s dream. Br David spoke about Mary saying yes when she was invited to cooperate with God’s dream by becoming the mother of Jesus and while we may not have a clear invitation like Mary did to participate in making God’s dream a reality we have a responsibility to work towards the dream by taking the Gospel out to the world. Br David spoke about our purpose of building a new humanity that is understood and realised through the person of Jesus Christ so that we can build a more compassionate and peaceful world. We were called to be present in our relationships so that we remember that each person is made in the image and likeness of God and where love and charity meet that is where we see God. It is in this space that we align ourselves with living out God’s dream for the world.
There are many students sporting extreme hairstyles such as mullets at the moment which do not conform to our Uniform Policy. As these hairstyles are against our policy, I ask that you work towards rectifying hairstyles this week. Please see the excerpt below from the Uniform Policy which was shared with all parents at the beginning of the year.
Hair should be:
- Neat and clean with no fashion extremes in styling or cut. This includes but is not limited to mullets and tracks. This will be at the discretion of the Principal or Assistant Principal.
- Off the face and tied back if shoulder length or longer.
- Natural colour.
- Ribbons, bands, headbands and scrunchies should be simple and understated in school dress fabric or in school colours of plain blue or red.
This Thursday at 6pm we will gather for our P&F AGM and first general meeting of the year in the staff room. I encourage you to come along as this is a wonderful parent engagement opportunity. We will be voting for a new executive committee at this time. Please see further details later in the newsletter. Our P&F’s main aim is parent engagement and providing opportunities for your children, not the traditional approach of fundraising. I hope that you can make this meeting as everything that this group does is for your children and as I have said before many hands make light work.
Beginning of Year Mass and Student Leadership
On Friday 18th March we will be holding our Beginning of Year Mass and presentation of Year 6 leadership badges. Families are more than welcome to join us for this Mass. I know that our Year 6’s are excited about this event after the strange start we have had to this year.
Have a wonderful week.
Take care, stay cool and God Bless
Religious Life of the School
On the second Sunday of Lent (Luke 9:28-36), we hear the account of the Transfiguration. While praying on the top of a steep mountain, Jesus was transfigured, changed so that his face and clothes shone with a brilliant light, as dazzling as the rays of the sun. The light shining out from Jesus that day enabled the disciples to see the power and glory of God, become filled with the light of faith and recognise Jesus as truly God’s son. We can be a light to others in the things we say and do for others particularly during Lent.
Love in action: During the last two weeks, our Student Council and Mini Vinnies Committee have met. These Committees empower our students to create positive change in their own lives, our school community and in the lives of those in need. The Student Council will be meeting with their classes to discern projects they would like to be involved in this year to make our school a better place for all students. They have already identified elements of our play areas that are unsafe and we have passed this onto maintenance.
Our Mini Vinnies Committee is looking at ways we can reach out in love and compassion to those in need. They have set a goal for fundraising for Caritas for term one and encourage students to fill their Project Compassion boxes. There will be an Easter raffle in the last two weeks of term to enable them to reach their goal. They also discussed the floods down south and how it has affected Catholic Schools. On Thursday 17th March there will be a St Patrick’s casual day. If students wear green they can bring along a gold coin which will be sent to help out the students in the Catholic Schools affected. Our committees are certainly very enthusiastic and full of great ideas.
Project Compassion: Our story for this week is about Biru 30, who lives in a rural village in Jharkand State in India’s east. He lost mobility in one of his legs, after contracting polio as a child, which makes it difficult for him to walk. With the help of Caritas Biru was able to access an entrepreneurship and livelihoods development program, run by Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas India. He gained the skills, support and encouragement he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business.
Now, Biru is able to provide a good life for his family and an essential service to his community. He has discovered a sense of pride, confidence and hope which has inspired others living with a disability and paved the way for all future generations. https://www.caritas.org.au/
Loving God,
We thank you for the gift of our lives and for the life of every person, both near to us and far away. We thank you for the wonder of all your creation.
Through fasting, almsgiving and prayer may this Lent draw us deeper into the warmth and light of God’s love.
May we see the world more clearly, especially those who are often overlooked.
May we come closer to your heart, which you showed through the cross of Jesus.
May we be full of hope for all future generations.
We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Please email your Certificate of Completion to ayr@tsv.catholic.edu.au to be entered into the draw.
Aiming for Excellence
This week our focus is Vocabulary, Word Choice and Spelling .
Of the 47 marks allocated to the writing task in NAPLAN, Vocabulary counts for five marks while Spelling is given an allocation of six. Marks are allocated based on the quality of the work. The same marking grid is used for the writing task regardless of year level.
A student will be given two marks for Vocabulary if they have used mostly simple verbs, adverbs, adjectives or nouns with the use of two or three precise words. To be allocated five marks for this section, the student would have used a range of precise and effective words and phrases in a natural and articulate manner. Their choice of words matches the text type. If the task is a narrative, the words would be descriptive, able to create images and actions and feelings while a persuasive text would use strong emotive words with facts to support opinions. For a strong vocabulary, students need to be able to accurately use a wide range of words and have a good knowledge of synonyms.
Word Walls relevant to topics covered in class help develop the range of vocabulary students can access. Even more effective in building a student’s bank of words is the reading of a wide variety of books.
If a student can demonstrate the correct spelling of most simple and common words, they receive three marks. If they correctly spell all the words that include at least ten difficult words and some challenging words that do not follow regular spelling patterns they are given six marks.
The ability to spell develops as a student becomes increasingly proficient in selecting and arranging letters to form accurately spelt words and using a knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and Latin and Greek roots. They are able to monitor their own spelling and explain how spelling affects the meaning of the word (there/their).
NAPLAN is used by governments, education authorities and schools to determine whether young Australians are meeting important goals in literacy and numeracy. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to sit the NAPLAN tests, which are held in May each year.
NAPLAN gives a snapshot of how children are performing in reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and numeracy. It complements other effective classroom assessment and reporting practices.
All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to sit the NAPLAN tests unless they are withdrawn by their parents/carers or exempt.
Parents can withdraw their child from the tests by notifying the school in writing before testing. Withdrawal is intended as an option to acknowledge religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing.
Students may be exempted from one or more of the tests if they meet one of the following criteria:
- Students with a significant intellectual disability and/or significant co-existing conditions that severely limit their capacity to participate in the test
- Students with a language background other than English, who arrived from overseas and have been attending school in Australia for less than a year.
Exemptions for students with physical and/or intellectual disabilities are determined through consultation between the principal, student, and parents/carers.
Please see attachment for more information about NAPLAN.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Rita Cranitch
Learning and Teaching Adviser
Inclusive Practices Teacher
Tuckshop 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This letter is to invite parents &/or grandparents to become part of this year’s Tuckshop team.
The Tuckshop operates from Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 11:30am for First Break.
Working in the Tuckshop is a great opportunity to meet new parents in a friendly & relaxed atmosphere.
Please note: you will need to have completed your Volunteer Induction Online Training and shown your green tick prior to assistance.
Volunteer Induction Online Training can be accessed via our website: https://www.sfatsv.catholic.edu.au/about/volunteer-induction-for-parents-and-carers/
Once you have completed all modules and documents please email your certificate, paperwork and green tick to ayr@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Please return the from below to the school office at your earliest convenience. Any amount of time that you can assist will be greatly appreciated. If you have any further enquiries please feel free to contact the school office on 4783 2877.
I am looking forward to another exciting year in the tuckshop.
Kylie Farrell
Tuckshop Convenor
Tuckshop 2022
Parent Name: ________________________________
Student Name and Class: ________________________
Mobile Number: _________________________
I can work: Mon □ Tues □ Wed □ Thurs □ Fri □
I can bake: Mon □ Tues □ Wed □ Thurs □
Monthly □ OR Fortnightly □
Students of the Week
P&F News
The P&F Annual General Meeting is being held in the Administration staff room on Thursday 10th March 2022 at 6pm followed by a monthly meeting.
All executive positions at the meeting will be declared vacant.
If you wish to nominate for a position, please complete the nomination form below and return to school with your child or deliver to the office.
If you do not wish to nominate for a position, please still come along to the meeting to find out what is happening at our school.
Aims of St Francis P&F Association:
To work closely with the Principal and school to establish positive relationships and follow the directions as per P&F Association Federation.
To ensure that parents are aware of the structures available to them through the school to voice their concerns or ideas and to contribute to the development of the school and its community.
To do the best we can for our school and children.
To raise money for extra resources and facilities for the school which will ultimately benefit the children.
To support the students that excel in different disciplines by providing sponsorship to students who represent the school at state level in sporting, academic and cultural activities.
To support the independent groups within our community including St Francis Playgroup.
To welcome all new families into our community.
To assist and being aware of families within the school community in need and to support those families.
To enjoy and encourage social aspects of school community life, especially those that build community via class representatives (e.g. morning teas, sausage sizzles etc.)
To develop a culture of family engagement within the school.
Executive Member Positions Available:
* President * Vice President * Secretary
*Financial Liaison Officer * Diocesan Representative
* Fundraising Coordinator
To ensure that the needs and wishes of the parent body are given a voice; and
To ensure that good relationships are established with the Principal and teachers.
The President is a guide for and example to all parents.
Duties and Responsibilities
A President leads the P&F Association by:
- Planning and chairing meetings in consultation with the Secretary and Principal
- Ensuring meetings run according to the agenda and the constitution
- Ensuring fair discussion - give all an opportunity to speak
- Ensuring activities are sanctioned by Principal
- Working with the treasurer to ensure financial accountability
- Ensuring decisions are carried out – follow up
- Encouraging parents to get involved
- Helping parents feel welcomed at the school
Some things to be aware of as president:
- Tune in to parents’ comments
- Respond to comments
- Meet as many parents as possible – welcome them individually to meetings
- Manage attempts to dominate the meetings
- Avoid one on one issues at meetings
- Stop ‘personal issues’ if these arise at meetings
- Avoid ambushes at meetings
The President will be in direct contact with the Class Representatives along with the Vice President.
The Vice President will support the President by:
- Chairing the meeting in his/her absence
- Sharing duties and responsibilities as agreed e.g. being responsible for coordinating the activities as agreed within the committee
- Being supportive and attending meetings
- Playing a constructive role – not just an understudy
The Vice President will be in direct contact with the Class Representatives along with the President.
The Secretary’s main functions are:
- Communication and correspondence
- Maintaining effective records
- Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minutes taken
Duties and Responsibilities
- Prepare the agenda in consultation with the President and Principal
- Notify members of meetings (date, time, venue)
- Keep good records
- Receive and manage the correspondence
- Obtain reports from Principal, President and Treasurer
- Write up the minutes
- Understand the constitution, if required
- Guide and advise the President
- After the meeting, minutes should be written up promptly and actions taken on any decisions
- Write letters in accordance with the instructions of the meeting or the President
- Prepare agenda for P& F Meeting
- Confirm attendance of Executive and other appropriate people
- Clear the mail regularly and keep the President informed on all issues
- Ensure a close communication and cooperation between the parent association, office staff, school staff and parents
Financial Liaison Officer
The Financial Liaison Officer accounts for and reports on the finances of the P&F.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Liaise with School Finance Secretary on the financial records and transactions of the P&F
- Liaise with the School Finance Secretary to present a Financial Report for each meeting
- Liaise with School Finance Secretary to ensure all records and transactions of the Parents & Friends Committee are presented for an annual audit
- Attend to correspondence regarding financial matters as directed by the President
- Delegate finances for major fundraisers
Diocesan Representative
To represent the P&F of your school at the Diocesan Council.
- Attend your school P&F association meetings
- Attend Diocesan cluster and/or Diocesan Council meetings
- Ensure correspondence from Diocesan Council is read and dealt with appropriately
- Report to the P&F about Diocesan Council meetings
- Take issues to Diocesan Council meetings
Fundraising Coordinator
To be the main point of call for fund raising events held by the P&F.
- Be prepared to report to P&F meetings regarding fundraising ideas for the school
- Attend meetings regularly
- Order gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls in conjunction with P&F Executive committee
- Arrange for volunteers at stalls and P& F functions with assistance from the P&F exec committee
- Prepare P&F Newsletter
Agenda Items Timeframes
1. In every newsletter a call for agenda items will be issued and advising parents to email their Parent Class Rep
2. Such agenda items are to be emailed to the Parent Class Reps by the Wednesday prior to the next meeting
3. Parent Class Reps are to email the President the agenda items by the Friday before the next meeting
4. The President and Secretary will arrange for the agenda to be sent to the Principal for approval on the Monday of the week of the meeting
5. Any agenda items from the Principal is to be added at this time
6. Once approved, the agenda will be published in the school newsletter on the Tuesday of the meeting (2 days prior to the meeting)
P&F Executive Member Position Nomination Form
I, _________________________________wish to nominate for the position of:
Please circle:
President Vice President Secretary
Financial Liaison Officer Diocesan Representative
Fundraising Coordinator
Signed:_________________________ Date: _____
Phone Number: ______________________