Term 4 Week 8 2023
From the Principal
Dear Families,
It is hard to believe that we have almost reached the end of the year. This will be the final newsletter for 2023. It only feels like yesterday that we were beginning the year off with our Parent Coffee morning. As we take time to reflect on the year we have had, we need to remember to be grateful for the many experiences we have had this year, the lessons we have learnt and the memories we have made. We have a lot to be grateful for and so much to celebrate.
I would like to share some exciting news with you all. Our student-led environmental team, The Planet Protectors submitted a Sustainability Through Catholic Social Teaching Grant Application to Townsville Catholic Education earlier this term and I am very pleased to announce that they were successful in receiving $4000 to go towards their major project for 2024. I look forward to working with this group again next year and sharing more of their progress with you.
On Monday we start our final week of 2023 with our Step Up Morning. Students will have the opportunity to meet their classmates and teachers for 2024 and learn about what their year will look like. We will then celebrate the end of our Year 6’s journey here at St Francis with their Graduation. It is sure to be a memorable evening. There are many other events being held next week that we warmly invite you to. Our Awards Morning on Wednesday will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the success of our students throughout the year as well as acknowledge some other special people. We will be presenting Eliza Lovell with the Mark Mappas Medallion at this event, as well as celebrating staff service awards and retirements. Thursday evening we will be holding our 2023 Christmas Carols. Each class will be presenting and we will have some community singing as well. We hope that you are able to come along and lend your voice to this special event. Friday at 11am is our final farewell where we will say goodbye to not only our Year 6 students but also families and staff who are leaving our school. School then finishes promptly at 12pm. All students need to be picked up from school as there will be no buses running at this time.
As our Year 6 students finish their time at St Francis so do a number of families. Some families have spent many years as part of our school, some a much shorter time but all have left their mark on our school community. Thank you for your contribution to St Francis during your time here. On behalf of the school community, we thank you and wish you all the very best for the future and every success and happiness.
To our parents, carers and grandparents who support the St Francis school community, we are very grateful for all you do. At a school level we can’t do what we do without the support of our parent and grandparent volunteers whether that be in the Tuckshop, helping in classrooms, at sports days, organising special events such as discos, Mothers and Fathers Day stalls. I would like to thank you for your continued encouragement and support in helping to make our school a wonderful community.
To our students. What a year you have had! You have fully embraced what has been on offer in 2023. The best part of our job as teachers is watching the students grow and discover new things about themselves. Personally, for me, it is all about the look on a student's face when they finally get something or have achieved a new personal goal. For some students, this can take longer than for others, but what is important is that no matter what the situation, our students are always trying to do their best. Each and every student has made some amazing progress throughout the year and they should all be very proud of their achievements.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated and talented staff who have gone above and beyond this year to support our students and provide them with many opportunities to succeed and excel, thank you. I am incredibly grateful for all that happens in our school on a daily basis and the wonderful staff that are at the core of our school. To our staff taking leave or leaving us at the end of this year thank you for all of your contributions to our St Francis family. We wish you joy and happiness for the adventures to come.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Nicole O’Connor and Rita Cranitch for their wonderful support and achievements this year. Some of what they have achieved is obvious to our community but much of what they do takes place behind the scenes and makes much of what we achieve as a school possible. To the amazing ladies in the Office, Debbie and Areti for their ongoing support. Thank you for your patience and dedication and for always being willing to lend a hand and help me whenever needed. The work that these ladies do holds everything together.
At the end of this year we also say goodbye to our incredible Service Team from Townsville Catholic Education. Thank you to Laurence Hosking (Education Consultant), David McNeale (Education Consultant), Katherine Nelson (Curriculum Advisor), Anita Livingstone (RE Advisor) and Krista O’Connor (Indigenous Education Advisor) for their advice, guidance and encouragement over the past three years. As a school we have greatly benefited from the service and support they have provided and I am incredibly grateful to them all. Next year we welcome a new Service Team to our school and I look forward to introducing them to you in the new year.
Finally, I hope that this Christmas season provides you all with an opportunity to relax and enjoy time with family and loved ones. If you are travelling, please take care and stay safe. The true joy of Christmas is the love of Christ, shared with family and friends. May you find His peace, love and joy in the coming New Year. Have a very holy, happy and safe Christmas.
Take care and God Bless
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and family member who have volunteered and given us help when needed throughout the year;
Thank you to all the parents and carers who have regularly looked through students bags for notes and messages sent home;
Thank you to all the parents and carers who called or logged in Compass when their child was sick and would be absent from school;
Thank you to all the parents and carers who made sure their children spent time reading at home;
Thank you to all the families who came along to Learning Breakfasts, Book Week Parades, Eisteddfod Concerts;
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have helped in the Tuckshop throughout the year;
Thank you to all families for sharing your most precious gift, your children, with us.
2024 Staffing
Thank you for your patience while the school has worked to finalise staffing for 2024. We still have one part time teaching position to fill and we will advise families as soon as this is completed. Outlined below is a list of class teachers for the coming year.
We wish Andriana Dawson all the best for her move to Townsville. We also thank Gloria Lazarrini for everything she has done in the Italian space at St Francis over many years. We wish these wonderful ladies nothing but happiness for their future endeavours.
In 2024 we will welcome Miss Olivia Licciardello to our staff. Olivia is well known to many in our community and I’m sure you will make her feel incredibly welcome as a member of the St Francis staff.
Cate Eathorne and her family are going on a great adventure during Term 1 so we won’t see her until the beginning of Term 2. During her absence, Chiara Oar will be teaching full time.
On Monday 27th November we will be having our Transition Morning where all students will meet their classroom teacher for next year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the teachers for their hard work and dedication this year. It has been another big year full of challenges, fun and learning. I would also like to thank you, our parents and carers, for your continued support of our school. We are grateful for all that you do.

On Monday we have our Step Up Day. Students will gather in their 2024 classes and spend time with their new teacher and classmates for next year. Teachers have been working on class lists for a number of weeks now and these are now finalised. The lists reflect the social, emotional and academic needs of the students and I know you will acknowledge the planning that has gone into them and respect the teacher's professional judgement in putting the lists together.
Each year there are always a small number of children (or parents) who may not be certain that this is the best placement for them. However, this process is one which is taken very seriously and the result of many hours of planning. The staff work very hard to get the right mix of students and the best teacher for each group. I ask that you place trust in the process, understanding that there are a multitude of factors that need to be taken into consideration as class lists are formulated.
Religious Life of the School
As the school year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the entire school community for your support throughout the year. Acting as the APRE this year has been an absolute privilege and blessing. I have witnessed firsthand the remarkable spirit of collaboration, creativity and resilience that underpins our school. From the dedicated teachers and school officers who tirelessly nurture our students' minds and hearts, to the supportive parents who go the extra mile, our school is filled with individuals who are genuinely invested in the well being and success of every student.
This year has been a whirlwind of activity and excitement. We have celebrated countless achievements, hosted events and nurtured a vibrant learning environment. Your active participation during this year has enhanced our school community and I thank you.
As we prepare for the upcoming week, which promises to be filled with even more exciting events, I encourage you to take a moment to savor all that we have accomplished together. Your contributions, big and small, have made a profound impact on our school and the lives of our students.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. I am incredibly grateful for your unwavering support and look forward to continuing to work with you all in the years to come.
Confirmation and First Holy Communion
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the students who participated in their Confirmation and First Holy Communion over the weekend. This momentous occasion marks a significant step in their spiritual journey, and we are very proud of their commitment to their faith.
The ceremony was a beautiful celebration of faith and unity, filled with joy, love and a deep sense of reverence. As our students received the sacraments, we witnessed the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit guiding them into a deeper relationship with God.
As those who celebrated their Confirmation and First Holy Communion continue their journey of faith, we pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide and strengthen them. May they always cherish the gifts they have received and use them to make a positive impact on the world.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
We are supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal this year. There are baskets in each class for collection. Please note that we kindly request that all donations are not chocolate and are undamaged. This will ensure that the items we collect are suitable for distribution to those in need.
We are grateful for the generosity of our school community in supporting this worthy cause. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference in the lives of families in need.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our free dress day demonstrating love in action. Your generosity will help to make a difference in the lives of others.

Any children wanting to partake in the evening as an Angel or Shepherd, please contact Lisa Sarri at Lisa.sarri@hotmail.com
Save The Date
24th November, Thanksgiving Mass, 9am
27th November, Yr 6 Graduation, 6:30pm
29th November, Awards Ceremony, 9am
30th November, Christmas Concert 6:30pm
1st December, Final Farewell Liturgy, 11am
Dear Lord,
As we come to the end of another school year, we pause to reflect on all that we have learned and experienced. We thank you for the opportunities we have had to grow in Christ and knowledge, to develop our talents and skills and to form lasting friendships.
We are grateful for the teachers who have guided us, the friends who have supported us, and the parents who have loved us. We thank you for all the ways in which we have been blessed us this year.
May we always remember the lessons we have learned and the values we have been taught. May we continue to grow in kindness, compassion, and understanding.
We thank you for all your blessings, Lord.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
Stay safe over the holidays and I look forward to seeing you all next year and hearing about all the amazing adventures that are about to be had.
Take care and God bless
Learning Corner

Isn’t GREAT when there is something FANTASTIC to celebrate?
As teachers, we regularly review the effectiveness of our planning and teaching. Knowing the importance of providing the best possible foundation for our students in their first three years at school, four years ago we began investigating the latest research on the essentials for a solid grounding for Literacy and Numeracy.
Our search led us to PLD (Promoting Literacy Development). Teachers in P-2 began looking at the different components of this resource, trying sections out in the classroom alongside their class program.
At the beginning of this year, teachers attended a training day in Townsville presented by a trainer for PLD. They then fully implemented this resource that covers oral language, phonological awareness and knowledge, reading, spelling and writing this year. Identified student needs in these areas were addressed in class during focused sessions, and students’ progress was monitored through screening each term.
Although after each screening, we could see each child progress, at different rates term by term, the impact of this resource was not fully appreciated until…………. the end of year benchmarking was completed. The teachers' excitement with the results was rewarding and a confirmation that we had found a very effective resource. The reading levels of students were above the expectations for their year level. Teachers said this was the first year they had seen such consistent results. The use of PLD will continue in Year 3 in 2024 as we monitor and address student literacy needs.
Effective Spelling was introduced in Years 1 & 2 in 2022 and continued in Year 3 in 2023. Again, another noticeable difference with children learning how to use letters to represent sounds to spell words. Even though sometimes their choice of letters was incorrect, their representation of the sound was accurate. An example was ‘monkee’ for ‘monkey’. A word noticing wall was an essential part of learning how to spell. We noticed children becoming more aware of the sounds and spelling choices to write words correctly. This will continue to be our approach to spelling in Years 1 - 4 in 2024.
Parental feedback is important as we strive to provide the highest standard of learning for our students. Please understand, though, that all feedback is examined in the light of the data we have on all students so all feedback may not be implemented as provided but will guide us in decision making about class resourcing.
Rita Cranitch
Learning and Teaching Adviser
Inclusive Practices Teacher
Guidance Counsellor

In this edition of SchoolTV - SEXTING
As teens develop an interest in sex, technology and apps make sexting easy, and unfortunately, acceptable amongst today’s youth. However, many parents are shocked to learn that children as young as 10 are sending naked pictures of themselves to friends and classmates via text and social media. This type of behaviour is seeping into primary school playgrounds causing irreversible damage to young minds.
Sending this type of content is problematic for a child of any age, but over the years there has been a staggering increase of pre-teens using mobile phones to share sexual images and videos. Not only is this type of behaviour detrimental to a young person’s moral and ethical wellbeing, it also has legal implications placing them at risk of a criminal record.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn how to approach the subject of sexting with their children, as well as offer helpful strategies on dealing with the fallout should their child send or receive content containing sexual imagery.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school guidance counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Sexting edition of SchoolTV

A SPECIAL REPORT: Surviving Christmas
Many people see Christmas as a wonderful time of celebration and an opportunity to spend time with family and friends. However, there are some that view it as a time of stress and hardship. This may be due to a combination of things: financial pressures, relationship issues and, quite often, loneliness, making it a very challenging time.
Often the true meaning of Christmas can be lost due to commercial exploitation, but there are a number of things you can do to create a magical Christmas, without the financial burden. Creating or maintaining traditions can contribute to a sense of comfort and belonging.
Unfortunately for some, there is also an ugly side to Christmas. Support organisations often report an increase in the number of calls from people seeking help due to their inability to cope during this time. If you, or a loved one, is finding that it is all too much, then it is important to reach out to a trusted friend, family member or medical professional.
In this Special Report, parents and care givers will be presented with a number of ideas on how to achieve a stress-free Christmas and where to seek help should you need it.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school guidance counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:

P.A.T.H. Award - Gemma, Mikayla and Poppy

50 P.A.T.H. Award - Ella

25 P.A.T.H Award - Rylan, Harper, Joseph, Jayda, Jessica, Chase and Sofie

5/6B enjoying a cool reward for Premier's Reading Challenge

Book of the Week Winner - Aria

Book of the Week Winner - Amelia

3/4B Book Challenge Winner - Aalia who generously passed her prize on to Annabel
Last day of tuckshop for 2023 is Tuesday 28 December.
Thank you to our tuckshop helpers.
Have a great break and we look forward to seeing you again next year.

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